
  • Family,  Life

    4 Jobs for Stay-At-Home Moms

    I’ve been a full time “stay-at-home mom” for about the past 4 years, and it’s been SUCH a blessing! In the beginning it was about getting to enjoy one-on-one time with my “baby” before he started pre-k. Now it’s given me the freedom to chaperone field trips, enjoy a few hours of quiet time, and take solo trips to the grocery store while the kids are at school. And let’s be honest. The occasional mid-day nap isn’t so bad either. Although David is able to support our lifestyle on his own, I am always looking for work at home jobs! For me personally, being a “housewife” just isn’t completely fulfilling.…

  • Family,  Life

    The Journey to Finding Our House

    Five years ago we were frustrated and just DONE trying to buy a house. We had been looking for over a year and we were on our second real estate agent. After moving three times within our first three years of marriage… I was oddly picky. I didn’t want to move again any time soon!! The deal that David and I had made with each other was that we would either get a repo at a low, low price to renovate and sell, or we would find our dream house within the max of our budget. NEITHER of those were working out. 1. We both had things we DEFINITELY wanted and…